Rahasiakan Nama dan Identitas Suami India, Nadine Alexandra Nikah Beda Agama?

Ini penjelasan Nadine soal alasan dirinya tak mau membeberkan secara detil soal nama ataupun profesi pria India yang jadi suaminya.

WowKeren - Nadine Alexandra sudah mengungkap soal pernikahan dengan pria India. Pernikahan itu tak terekspos oleh media dan digelar di Bali, 15 Juli lalu.

Bukan cuma merahasiakan momen pernikahan tersebut, Puteri Indonesia 2010 itu juga tak mau membeberkan identitas ataupun profesi suaminya. Bahkan untuk sekedar menyebut nama, Nadine tetap memilih bungkam.

Nadine lantas membeberkan alasan ia tak mau mengungkap identitas sang suami. Ini demi menghormati privasi suami dan keluarganya.

Two weeks ago today, we gathered our closest friends and family around us and made it official 😍💍 My husband and I wanted a simple, intimate wedding surrounded by nature and we got that and so much more! I’m so grateful for all the love that made our day so special. My gratitude to @varawedding and their attentive team that helped organise everything, including helping us pull off our fusion ceremony! Thank you @tutdeisme from @terralogical for capturing these beautiful shots that we will cherish for the rest of our lives 💘 Thank you to @sisca.tjong for bringing my beautiful wedding dress to life 😍 And thank you to @padmaubud for everything your lovely staff helped with and for being the perfect backdrop for our celebration 🍾 #thebeginningoftherestofourlives

A post shared by Nadine Alexandra (@nadinealexandradewi) on

"No comment, karena ini bukan tentang hidup pribadi saya saja, tapi tentang hidup pribadi suami saya. Saya ingin menghormati itu. Dia tidak memilih untuk hidup di depan kamera atau layar, jadi saya menghormati itu," kata Nadine.

We picked July 15 as our date with hopes that the rainy season would be far behind us but... climate change had other plans! During our ceremony it rained and poured... which meant that we would probably have to move our reception indoors. Hubby leaned over to me and asked what I thought. Keep it outdoors and risk the rain? Or play it safe and move to the ballroom? Everyone suggested we go with the safe option but my Heart kept saying “No. Keep it on the lawn!” - 5.15PM - decision time. The sky was still grey and lightly drizzling. I said to my hubby that I felt it would be fine to keep it outdoors. He said his Heart felt the same. Everyone shook on it and there was no turning back! Worst case scenario would mean rain during the reception and hilarious memories of people running for cover, right? - During our grand entrance, our first dance and even our welcome speech it continued drizzled on and off but eventually stopped completely! Though we were running late and the venue had strict time constraints, we had the most amazing time - even interrupting the main course to dance to the super fun & funky set by @wearemanja 🎸 - In ancient traditions it is believed that rain on your wedding day is auspicious and a sign of good luck, fortune and abundance. It supposedly foretells a strong marriage and that we work well in the face of obstacles. Whatever it means, I know we both felt (and still feel) undeniably blessed and grateful that everything went perfectly even if that meant it wasn’t according to *our* plan 💖 - Thank you to @varawedding for keeping it cool during some stressful decision-making moments and for pulling it all together! 😍🙏🏽🌈 #trusttheuniverse

A post shared by Nadine Alexandra (@nadinealexandradewi) on

Sikap Nadine yang misterius ini memicu anggapan kalau ia dan suami menikah beda agama. Namun hal itu langsung dibantah oleh Nadine. Ia juga mengisyaratkan kalau prosesi pernikahan dilakukan berdasarkan satu agama.

"Engga, secara spiritual dan hati kita sejalur," kata artis kelahiran Inggris, 23 Mei 1991 tersebut. "(Proses pernikahan) Satu kali saja. Karena pada ujungnya Tuhan cuma satu, tapi ujungnya sama."

Setelah menikah, Nadine mengaku tak dihalangi untuk tetap berakting. Sang suami memberikan dukungan penuh padanya.

"Selama ini kami selalu membangun supportif, passion dari pasangan saya dukung dan suami saya tau ini pekerjaan saya, udah 12 tahun udah mendarah daging, jadi dia sangat mendukung dan sangat terbuka tapi kalo suatu hari saya bilang udah gak mau main lagi saya mau coba yang lain, kalo menurut saya itu yang pas," kata Nadine.


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