Sempat Bikin Geger, Luna Maya Restui Ilene Jadi Juara Pertama 'Indonesia Next Top Model'

Luna Maya yang sempat dikira meremehkan Danella Ilene rupanya justru memberikan dukungan besar atas kemenangan sang model. Ia mengucap selamat pada Ilene yang merebut gelar juara 'INTM' season 1.

WowKeren - Model cantik sekaligus kontestan "Indonesia Next Top Model" season satu, Danella Ilene, akhirnya meraih sukses. Ilene dinobatkan sebagai juara "INTM" yang digelar perdana di 2021.

"THIS IS OUR FIRST INDONESIA'S NEXT TOP MODEL "DANELLA ILENE"," demikian postingan dari akun Instagram "INTM" pada 9 April. Usai meraih kemenangan tersebuy, Ilene mengunggah pesan spesial di Instagram pribadinya.

"Joyful tears all over the night ✨ First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Jesus Christ ! All credits goes to You Lord ❤️ Thankyou for all the countless Love, Grace, and Protection You have given me in everyday and for giving me the strength to keep going and hope, and courage so that I could always be strong to go through all of the challenges, month after month and I couldn’t believe this is the end of my journey here in Indonesia’s Next Top Model ! And I’m so honored to be able to say that," tulis Ilene. "I am The First Indonesia’s Next Top Model ! ✨ This is really a dream come true 😭 All by the grace of God. I could never survive it without You in it 😊."

Ilene juga mengucap terima kasih pada keluarga, teman dan banyak pihak yang sudah mendukungnya. Tak terkecuali pada para juri dan mentor yakni Luna Maya, Patricia Gouw, Deddy Corbuzier dan Panca Makmun.

"Thank you everyone for your generous support. I extend gratitude to my amazing parents, family, friends and of course #TEAMILENE for their love, support, and prayers. My heart, too, was full of grateful and solemn joy. 💜 I am overwhelmed, and thankful just by everything. I love you all For my lovely judges and mentor @lunamaya @panca_m @patriciagouw @mastercorbuzierI am so thankful and I really appreciate your help, advice, and lessons during the quarantine. I learnt a lot from all of you. 💗," tulis Ilene.

Postingan ucapan terima kasih ini menuai dukungan dari Luna. Ia sempat memberikan like di unggahan Ilene tersebut setelah namanya sempat dimention. Tak cuma memberi like, Luna juga mengucap selamat di kolom komentar. "Congratsss," katanya.

Sebelumnya, Luna dan Deddy sempat menuai kritik usai dikira bercanda ketika Ilene curhat pengalaman depresi dan mengidap eating disorder. Namun pasca dikecam, Luna akhirnya meminta maaf jika dianggap meremehkan kondisi Ilene. Tak cuma Luna, Deddy juga sudah meminta maaf dan mengklarifikasi kesalahpahaman yang beredar.


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