Ashraf 'Ramal' Bahaya Corona Sebelum Wafat, Foto Maskeran Bareng BCL Kembali Disorot

Mengenang dua bulan wafatnya Ashraf Sinclair, adik ipar, Yuna, mengungkap makna dibalik foto sang kakak bersama BCL. Sebelum wafat, Ashraf dan BCL tampak memakai masker N95 seolah sudah memprediksi tentang bahaya virus Corona.

WowKeren - Ashraf Sinclair dikenal sebagai sosok yang selalu menjaga kesehatan. Bahkan disaat-saat terakhir, Ashraf tak terlihat menderita penyakit yang membahayakan.

Sikap Ashraf yang peduli kesehatan itu sempat diungkap adik iparnya, Yuna Zarai. Dua bulan setelah Ashraf wafat, Yuna mengenang momen ketika melihat kakak iparnya itu memakai masker N95.

Tak cuma Ashraf, BCL juga memakai masker yang biasa dikenakan tenaga medis tersebut. Melihat kelakuan Ashraf dan BCL, Yuna mengaku ia sempat tertawa.

Kini, ia justru takjub dengan kesiapan Ashraf yang sudah memprediksi kalau Corona adalah virus yang sangat berbahaya. Nyatanya, situasi dunia kini makin memburuk karena Corona.

"I sometimes think about you and @bclsinclair coming to LA, hanging out with us like that was going to happen again. I was always looking forward to Ash and Bunga's random trip in LA. We' d always standby when that happens," kata Yuna. "Ash, you were right man. Covid19 is no joke. We'll never make fun of your masks again-when Adam puts in on now I always remember when he made fun of you at the airport for wearing them. You would 've enjoyed seeing him wearing one now LOL."

Yuna juga mengungkap kalau sang suami, Adam, juga merindukan kepergian Ashraf. "Ash, he misses you so much!! My favourite memory of you guys is still Disneyland. We were exhausted & by the end of the day on our drive home, I could see you, Bunga & Noah passed out in the backseat with all your mouths open- That was priceless!! What an honour it was to have you as my brother in law," seru Yuna.

"The truth is Ashraf, you are so loved that we are still so confused that you're gone. Still in shock. And still struggling to let you go. But we know we have to, and settle for pictures, videos, and memories," ungkapnya. "I remember when I was having trouble with work, we were all taking about it in our apartment, you gave me all this advice and right before you guys left for LAX, you turned around and said 'Never let anyone lowball you, you are so valuable because there is only one Yuna', I never had brother, Ash. But what a perfectly brotherly thing to say to me when I needed it the most. You gave me and Adam a hug, and left what a rockstar."

Fans juga takjub dengan sikap Ashraf yang sangat penyayang. Postingan Yuna itu menuai dukungan dari fans. "So beautifully expressed Yuna. He is a good man, indeed. Good men gone too soon. Al Fatihah," ujar fans. "We miss you Ashraf," seru yang lainnya.


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