Bunga Citra Lestari Bucin Berat, Pesan Terakhir Ashraf di Ultah Nikah Jadi Kenangan Terindah

Bunga Citra Lestari mengungkap rasa cinta di ultah nikah ke-11 pada 8 November. Disisi lain, terkuak kenangan indah ketika Ashraf mengungkap rasa cinta pada BCL di momen anniversary 2019 silam.

WowKeren - Bunga Citra Lestari merayakan ulang tahun pernikahan ke-14 dengan Ashraf Sinclair. BCL mengungkap janji cinta tulus ditengah isu hamil duluan dan punya pacar baru

"14 years ago, we made a promise to always love each other.. Today, eventho we are in a different world, and life has been different for me here.. But you will forever be in my heart.. Happy Anniversary ❤️," kata BCL sambil ziarah ke makam Ashraf.

Disisi lain, postingan BCL itu bukti kalau dirinya masih sangat mencintai Ashraf. Bukan cuma BCL, Ashraf pun sebelum wafat juga mengungkap pesan terakhir spesial di ulang tahun pernikahan ke-11 pada 8 November 2019.

"Happy Anniversary @bclsinclair ... 11 years together. Through thick and thin, I got your back as you got mine. Never a day goes by you dont wonder me with your kindness, passion, love and persistance. In you I see myself and the best version of me as I see you too. Thank you for walking this journey with me and to many more steps along the way, side by side, hand in hand, heart in heart. I love you popet," kata Ashraf.

Unggahan Ashraf itu rupanya sempat dibalas BCL dengan postingan tak kalah romantis. BCL menyadari kalau pernikahan selama belasan tahun itu bukan hal yang mudah untuk dijalani. Namun, BCL tetap mengungkap rasa cinta tulusnya pada Ashraf yang terus mendampinginya melewati suka dan duka.

"There’s no guarantee that marriage life is gonna be easy.. But at that moment when u asked me to marry you, i know that u are the one.. The fighter that wont just give up on life, on us.. 11 years has gone past, and we’re still here, on our journey, trough ups and downs.. Through all the love, the laughter, and the tears, and the fights.. I love you sayang @ashrafsinclair .. To many years to come.. Happy 11th anniversary ❤️ #bungacitralestari #ashrafsinclair 📷 : @penypujiati," seru BCL.

Sementara itu, kisah cinta BCL dan Ashraf ini juga menuai dukungan dari Dida Sinclair. Ibunda Ashraf ini juga sempat mengungkap pesan haru bak ingin menguatkan BCL.

"Alhamdulillah! Bunga is home on this beautiful day of fond memories of Bunga and Alm Ashraf 's anniversary ❤️," seru Dida.


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