Kondisi Agnes Monica Bikin Khawatir, Pacar Tampan Curcol Soal 'Kebahagiaan Sejati'

Adam Rosyadi memotivasi Agnes Monica untuk mengejar kebahagiaan dan kesuksesan sejati meski diremehkan orang. Di usianya yang belasan tahun lebih muda, Adam berusaha menjadi sosok terbaik buat Agnes.

WowKeren - Adam Rosyadi seolah mengkhawatirkan kondisi Agnes Monica. Berada di Amerika Serikat, Agnes malah dibully soal karirnya bakal kembali flop hingga dipaksa putus dari Adam.

Walau Agnes nampak baik-baik saja, Adam justru mengisyaratkan hal berbeda. Ia malah membahas orang terdekat diduga menyindir fans toxic yang terus meneror Agnes.

"Reminder : when someone is toxic, remember it's not about you. It's a reflection of their inner state," ujar Adam. "The people in your life should be a source of reducing stress not causing more of it."

Bukannya meraih dukungan, Adam malah disentil isu murtad dan disuruh sholat. Adam pun agaknya belum bereaksi atas sindiran terbaru itu.

Disisi lain, Adam terus menyemangati Agnes supaya mandiri. Lewat sebuah pesan bijak, terkuak postingan Adam soal "Meraih Kebahagiaan dan Kesuksesan Sejati".

"Writer your happiness," demikian buku yang dibaca Adam. "What makes your life unique? Life is full of ups and downs. It is full of good moments and bad moments, amazing times and times when you are desperate for anything good to happen. If life came with a manual, it would be full of blank pages that you would fill out yourself. There would be pages that you wish you could rip out but cant, pages that you wish you could stay on and not turn, pages that you would love to erase and rewrite. Those wishes and those feelings are what make your life unique, irreplaceable."

Adam juga menilai kalau selalu ada jalan untuk bahagia dan meraih kesuksesan meski diremehkan orang. Ia juga menyadari kalau hidup tak sempurna dan jangan menyerah terhadap keinginan untuk meraih sukses.

"There is no one path to happiness, no one path to uniqueness. There is no one path to succes. So, instead of wasting your time looking for prescribed steps to take to make your life perfect, pave your own steps. Create your own landmarks. Walk your own path. You will not feel the greatness of your success unless ypu make it unique to yourself, unless you direct your strengths in the right direction and use your weakness to your advantage. Avoid the defined black and white rules set by others. Be genuine with whatever you do. Make your own colors and shine. -'MIND PLATTER NajwaZebian 111," tulis Adam.


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